Nov 18, 2020 | Book Reviews
In his book Limitless Nine Steps to Launch your Extraordinary Life, Peter Ruppert has written a guide that he calls “Traits of a Champion”. He hopes that this book, in his words, “… communicates that each one of us is born with a unique combination of talent, skills...
Nov 18, 2020 | Book of the Month, Book Reviews
Doochin begins (in his preface) explaining that a book about fear will help you see that there is a permanent way out of fear and that this book will give you tools to understand where your fear comes from. It may also give you the insight to see potential “gifts”...
Oct 16, 2020 | Book Reviews
In her book Raising good Humans Clarke takes us on her personal journey through the traumas and triumphs of raising her daughter. She humbly approaches the subject of child rearing as a learning curve she needed to go through. This method of writing creates a safe...
Oct 16, 2020 | Book Reviews
In her book The Extraordinary Power of Leader Humility, Marilyn Gist, a professor emerita at Seattle University, approaches leadership with a new and stimulating method. She suggests that inspiring people to do what’s needed in the workplace, rather than demanding...
Oct 1, 2020 | Book of the Month, Book Reviews
Burt Weissbourd is a novelist, screenwriter and producer of feature films. He was born in 1949 and graduated cum laude from Yale University, with honors in psychology. During his student years, he volunteered at the Museum of Modern Art in Paris and taught English to...
Sep 5, 2020 | Book Reviews
Eileen McDargh – Burnout to Breakthrough – Building Resilience to Refuel, Recharge, and Reclaim What Matters Interesting that McDargh opens Burnout to Breakthrough by informing us that burn out is now listed as an official disease by The World Health...