Michael Fillios – Tech Debt 2.0 

Michael Fillios – Tech Debt 2.0 

Michael C. Fillios’ Tech Debt 2.0: How to Future Proof Your Small Business and Improve Your Bottom Line is the result of Fillios’ more than a quarter century of experience in operations management, finance, IT, and change leadership. He is the CEO and founder of the...
Burt Weissbourd – Danger in Plain Sight 

Burt Weissbourd – Danger in Plain Sight 

Burt Weissbourd’s latest novel Danger in Plain Sight is his fifth book and debuts a new series character with famed Seattle restaurateur Callie James. Series characters, even two decades into the 21 st century, remain the ideal vehicle for mystery and thriller writers...
Joseph L Luciani PH.D. – Unlearning Anxiety & Depression

Joseph L Luciani PH.D. – Unlearning Anxiety & Depression

“Stop the negative voices!” You’ve heard these words too. But do you know the value of these words? Luciani shares insights into Anxiety and Depression, and how to unlearn the characteristics that bring us to our knees. The pages flip intentionally as you read one...
Howard Ross – Everyday Bias 

Howard Ross – Everyday Bias 

Howard Ross has authored several books and a lifetime of fighting for social justice informs his latest book Everyday Bias: Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Judgments in Our Daily Lives is an important text on our human predisposition towards stereotyping our...
Mark DeLuzio – Flatlined

Mark DeLuzio – Flatlined

Circle back to when your business was booming, life was good, and the ethereal opportunity was all you could think about… The concept of reviving a dead business from Flatline to a strong heartbeat has been around a while. But never has there been a more proactive...