Paola Knecht – The Success Mindset

Paola Knecht – The Success Mindset

Paola Knecht is an interesting kind of motivational author. On the one hand, she’s unrelentingly abstract – although in a manner entirely concurrent with the philosophy she’s pushing. On the other, the book is packed to the brim with unconventional wisdom...
Richard Vague – The Case for a Debt Jubilee

Richard Vague – The Case for a Debt Jubilee

At the risk of sounding flippant or blasé, I’ll just say this straightforwardly. I love this book. It’s the kind of book, on a specific kind of topicality, that I’ve been hungry to see for quite some time. At the risk of sounding partisan, the phenomenon that has been...
David Ehrlichman – Impact Networks

David Ehrlichman – Impact Networks

The way I would summarize David Ehrlichman’s new book, Impact Networks: Create Connection, Spark Collaboration, and Catalyze Systemic Change, is that it concerns pragmatic empathy. Pragmatic in the sense that Mr. Ehrlichman’s articulation of what he calls an ‘Impact...
Kristin Schuchman – Jump Start

Kristin Schuchman – Jump Start

Kristin Schuchman’s new book is the kind of leadership advice manual I’ve been hungry to see in this day and age for a while. Often people turning to ideological figureheads for advice have to go back about ten to twenty years in terms of self-awareness, consulting...