Aug 10, 2020 | Book Reviews
If you love the kind of book that follows the life of an underdog struggling to reach their dreams, The Point After will keep you turning pages. Conley has written his story, a true-to-life account that demonstrates how his values: confidence, learning how to lose,...
Jul 22, 2020 | Book Reviews
Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, PhD, Certified Speaking Professional, is an author and one of the top global leadership speakers on introverts. She is hailed as a “champion for introverts” who helps organizations, teams, and individuals understand introverts. Creating...
Jul 22, 2020 | Book Reviews
Margaret Curlew, PhD, is a professional, a “mompreneur” and a real estate investor. She is a specialist in income generation and wealth building, and has mentored and contributed to the success of many individuals. Dr. Margaret Curlew’s process of overcoming financial...
Jul 14, 2020 | Book Reviews
THE CREATIVITY LEAP – Unleash curiosity, improvisation, and intuition at work By Natalie Nixon Natalie Nixon is president of Figure 8 Thinking, a consulting firm that emboldens organizations to apply creativity for transformative business results. She approaches...
Jul 6, 2020 | Book of the Month, Book Reviews
Intrigued by Living with my Money? Of course, I am. And Shuman had me at Investment Funding since that has been my stronghold on American Dollars for nearly 40 years. But he went deeper and discussed when it became popular. That little thing called Sustainable...
Jun 23, 2020 | Book Reviews
Whatever Works: The Small Cues that Make a Surprising Difference in Our Success at Work – and How to Create a Happier Office is a significant new book on a time-tested theme – one gaining additional layers of significance when considering the technological changes...