May 12, 2022 | Book of the Month, Book of the Year, Book Reviews
Amy Eliza Wong makes what for many people is incomprehensible comprehensible. Embarrassingly so. She asks the simple but essential questions, then from those questions articulates big, beautiful, and wholly knowledgeable ruminations, meditations, even answers. She...
May 12, 2022 | Book Reviews
Dr. Jennifer Fraser’s new book is titled The Bullied Brain: Heal Your Scars and Restore Your Health. As the title would suggest, the book is an exploration of the effects of trauma and bullying upon the development of the brain, while simultaneously serving as...
Apr 28, 2022 | Book Reviews
Nine is the first short story collection from Indian born singer/songwriter and now author Vineet Singh Hukmani. The stories, including its title entry, derive their inspiration from the nine successful singles Vineet has released over the last year without ever...
Apr 22, 2022 | Book Reviews
Veteran acting coach Craig Archibald’s book title is much like that of an MLA or overall position paper. In short, it perfectly summarizes in a concise, one-sentence description the entire topicality and messaging of the read. ABOUT THE AUTHOR:...
Apr 22, 2022 | Book Reviews
John Feloni’s new book is The Covenant Secret: The 7 Master Keys to Wisdom and Wealth. The book, as its title would suggest, is an effective mixture of fiction and actual, leadership advice. Feloni doesn’t mess around with clearly communicating the data and left-brain...
Apr 9, 2022 | Book Reviews
“Telling you that what you’re doing isn’t working seems like a pretty bold statement, and we’d not be surprised if you found yourself disagreeing with it. ‘What do you mean, not working? If I reduce my prices, it increases revenue. When I invest in advertising, new...