Aug 7, 2022 | Book of the Month, Book Reviews
Dawn Barclay’s new book is Travelling Different: Vacation Strategies for Parents of the Anxious, the Inflexible, and the Neurodiverse. As the titling would suggest, Barclay’s book is about how to navigate both domestic and international travel for families with...
Aug 7, 2022 | Book Reviews
“Somehow, despite all the great advancements in security-related technologies, we are faced with a simple truth: Technology, alone, is not enough. It does not offer sufficient protection against breach. Cybercriminals inevitably find ways to bypass the technology by...
Jul 26, 2022 | Book Reviews
Alignment marketing. The term almost sounds like one of those concepts a Tony Robbins or Lynn Clark (outside a leadership context) would use for one of their respective seminars, or speaking engagements. But in this case, author Stacey Hall uses it in a manner...
Jul 20, 2022 | Book Reviews
Geshe Michael Roach and Dr. Eric Wu are on a mission with the release of their new book. In the pages of China Love You: The Death of Global Competition, they tackle detailing the nuts and bolts leading to the implementation of a new, Asian culturally-influenced...
Jun 27, 2022 | Book Reviews
“Why have the major post-9/11 US military interventions turned into quagmires, and what can we learn from these conflicts about war termination and its role in policy and strategy?” Christopher D. Kolenda muses rhetorically at the beginning of his book. It’s the...
Jun 27, 2022 | Book Reviews
What I liked about Chris Vanderzyden’s new book is how deliberately plainspoken and concise it is. There’s no beating around the bush or tangential semantics, while simultaneously Vanderzyden never shies from highlighting the less coldly rational and more emotive...