Tami Lynn Kent’s new book is a love letter to embracing the individuality of motherhood, and the individuality when it comes to raising the child. If the title is any indication, Kent fully toasts the ideals that make up the perfect encapsulation that is Wild Mothering: Finding Power, Spirit, and Joy in Birth and a Creative Motherhood.

URL: https://www.wildfeminine.com/

There’s something so refreshingly modern and liberating in seeing a book of this nature, covering what I call the ‘big beautiful ordeal’ of parenthood, particularly for the mother figure. In the spirit of Stephen Colbert’s beautiful quote about mortality – ‘It’s a gift to exist…and with Existence comes suffering, there’s no escaping that’ – parenthood is a sojourn not for the faint of heart. It is an odyssey that will raise you up and pull you down. It is a standard bearer that will decide character, heart, and hard-earned wisdom in the years to come. And as Ms. Kent shows time and again, it is something not to be missed for the world – even if it comes laden sometimes with great pain, and great sacrifice. “Imagine an alchemic fusion that ignites in your center and illuminates your life.

This is the mystical pathway of all creation, universally passing through conception, pregnancy, birth, and the many seasons of mothering that make up a lineage of motherhood. Like all epic journeys, it requires a passage into the unknown. We open to this miracle of life, but the timing of conception or birth remains a mystery. With a baby in the womb, we can know his or her gender, but their unique presence will only be discovered day by day in the experiences woven together through time. Even the energy movement that accompanies each soul into life is largely beyond our comprehension,” writes Kent in an opening passage.

“In becoming a mother, we step into the line of mothers that extends through the generations behind us. Through this touch from spirit in the center of ourselves, we begin a process of transformation that reveals who we are and who we will become. As a women’s health physical therapist and energy reader, I have worked with thousands of women to understand the creative potential we carry in our bodies.

From this collective wisdom, I made an energetic map of the pelvic bowl—as both a physical structure and a profoundly creative space in the female body, the feminine landscape where we gestate and birth our creations. I explored new ways of intentionally engaging this place where spirit meets body in my first book, Wild Feminine. Now in this book I apply this knowledge specifically to pregnancy, birth, and mothering over time.”

AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/Wild-Mothering-Finding-Creative-Motherhood/dp/1582709246

As someone who follows spiritualist and Shamanic practices myself, I like how Kent is unapologetic when discusses how she implements core tenets and ideas holistically into her guidance on the book’s topics. She’s unapologetic but grounded, deeply empathic and concise. There’s a profound generosity in the text, a sense of genuine kindness imbued in each chapter and passage of guidance. That’s something to be seriously commended, and needless to say something I appreciated on a multitude of levels.

Cyrus Rhodes