May 14, 2023 | Book Reviews
“I like flying first class, granddad!” a young boy quips to his grandfather in the first panels of a graphic novel. “Enjoy it,” the grandfather says, “We’ll be landing soon.” Later, after discourse with a woman sitting across from them, the boy then asks the following...
May 14, 2023 | Book Reviews
In the tradition of noted modern poetry voices, the likes of a Peter Filkins coming to mind, E. Barrett La Mont has this wondrous ability to make the everyday exceptional. Anne Sexton is another contemporary name that comes to mind – complimenting referentially...
Apr 16, 2023 | Book Reviews
Who would have thought empathy and the fast pace of the rat race would have much to do with one another, let alone share a symbiotic relationship? Count me out if your answer was yes. But that’s exactly what David Kurkjian brilliantly demonstrates in his new book,...
Apr 16, 2023 | Book Reviews
“Careers—like cars—also need to be brought to the ‘shop’ for maintenance. Problems need to be fixed before they become bigger issues. You might be saying to yourself, I hate my job, or This is not the role for me, or Something doesn’t feel right about being at this...
Mar 16, 2023 | Book Reviews
“Wealth should be defined by more than just the numbers,” Steve Braverman writes in his new book, entitled Your Time with the Baton: Winning the Relay Race of Family Wealth Stewardship. “…It’s good that the industry has moved into having wealthy people impart...
Mar 16, 2023 | Book Reviews
If I had to sum up Diane Pienta’s new book in one sentence, it’s about choosing to embrace life. Embrace life, in all its glory – and that includes having a level head about the ups and downs that come with this thing called ‘Life.’ It’s fitting the title of Pienta’s...