Experienced developmental strategist Donna Weber is clearly an authority on what she speaks of. That much is clear. Not so much because of her encyclopedic, concise citation of both established and individually innovated statistics, data, and strategic information, but because of her ability not to fall into familiar red flags and pitfalls many purported ‘experts’ pontificate on in place of actualities. Weber doesn’t dress her language choices in excess analogy, metaphor, or example. Her writing prowess lies less in what it can viscerally emote, and more in what it can clearly communicate about the newly established philosophy of Customer Onboarding. The introduction of the latter into workplace discourse is proving something of a magical formula for long-term, loyal consumer usage of products.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: https://www.donnaweber.com/

As far as Weber is concerned, the idea of corporate competition has semi-replaced the idea of ‘top quality’, marrying such an ideal with – arguably speaking – ‘top evolutionary abilities’. There’s a specificity, she writes, in how to keep a consumer hooked on your product, and part of that specificity entails they’re feeling – in an appropriately hierarchal context – that they have a seat at the table of influence. In other words, that their feedback matters and can have consequential effect on the company’s performative response, with that how the looming threat of buyer’s remorse can be placated with actions ensuring ‘buyer action’ on behalf of the endeavor. Essentially, words like ‘empathy’, ‘sympathy’, and even dare one say ‘humility’ have entered the corporate argument for being the lean horse for the long ride. “(Buyer’s remorse) is common because of a mental process called prospection,” Weber writes.

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“Prospection means you do your best to imagine how you will think or feel in the future as a result of your decision…In onboarding new customers, remember that even when the customer signs the contract, their brain keeps anticipating…This goes on indefinitely until there’s a reason to stop. That’s why your onboarding (tactics) (have) to address the fear, remorse, and regret your buyers might have.”

So focusing on that aspect in short, one might ask, is Weber advocating a sort of acute, humility and observation-based psychology factored into your decision making? Yes, in effect she writes. Corporate longevity now hinges on the ability to be flexible, even specifically adaptable to the theoretical demands of the consumer. One wouldn’t typically think of words like ‘humility’ or actual, hands-on ‘psychology’ being precepts introduced at a company board meeting. But more and more entrepreneurs, CEOs, and company presidents are starting to think outside the traditionalist’s box. The world has seismically changed since the various corporate pinnacles in American history – be they the roaring twenties, the fifties, the Reagan era, or even the age of the aughts.

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Events like the 2008 economic crisis didn’t just result in a shakeup of certain institutions, they also redefined corporate and consumer tactics on a personal, professional, and even somewhat spiritual level as well. If the odd marriage between the moguls of Silicon Valley and holistic, Eastern spiritualist practices was any indicator ten to fifteen years ago, business has started to blur the line between one’s ability perform in public with their characteristic abilities in private. Weber argues everything now is on the line, and should have an impactful role in what it means to be a successful, lucrative enterprise, with a devoted customer base.

Kendall Townsend