Denise Mange expertly blends an almost pantheistic set of influences into the grounded, straightforward, and surprisingly soulful new book Translating Your Pet’s Behavior: Learn What Their Behavior Says About You To Train Smarter, Not Harder. “If you take away anything (from this book), I hope it is the understanding that some of the most powerful teachers in our lives are the ones closest to us. For many of us, that is our dog, cat, horse, guinea pig, or bird. And their behavior is one of the ways our animals teach and communicate with us.


When we learn to interpret our pet’s signals and efficiently translate our pet’s behavior, we create meaningful and long-lasting transformations for ourselves and our furry friends,” she writes in summarization. “I hope you’ll leverage this book to more effectively translate your pet’s behavior and that it helps you realize that you are already communicating with your pet in profound and transformative ways… Setting healthy boundaries preserves our physical, emotional, and energetic integrity and the full expression of ourselves. If we avoid doing this, we become disconnected from our needs, desires, and creativity, falling into patterns of senseless sacrifice and martyrdom. Many of us suppress our needs for fear of being selfish or feeling that our needs don’t matter. When our pets ask us to give them loving boundaries, what they are really doing is drawing attention to our need to do the same in other areas of our lives as well.”

That is something that has been missing from many pet manuals for so many years. The sense that not only is the pet an arbiter of our parenting of them into a capable and reliable support system for companionship, families, and the community at large, but simultaneously a measurement of our own personal well-being. Pets psychologically are excellent mirroring devices for their owners, in part because of the unconditional love they provide. There’s nothing capricious, duplicitous, or posturing about the nature of a pet’s love for its owner. Like children, they’re exactly what they are, and it’s on us to embrace that – both for them, and for the sake of ourselves.

“Our pets want us to see ourselves through their eyes as the wonderful, multidimensional, unique, and beautiful souls we are. They are honored to be learning alongside us, just as I am honored to acknowledge their contributions alongside you, co-creating this new path forward in pet guardianship,” Mange writes. She also states, “…Our pets help us identify and speak our truth, ultimately helping us find our authentic voice. They inspire us to speak up for ourselves and on behalf of those who cannot do so, like the animals.


Our voice instills into the zeitgeist that their needs and rights are just as important as those of any other sentient being. We can speak of compassion, awareness, and our interconnectedness, and avoid using terms like ‘pet Owner’ opting for ‘pet guardian’ instead. Our pets remind us that when we uncover and speak our truth in every area of our lives, we radiate authenticity, feel more fulfilled, and inspire others to do the same.”

Cyrus Rhodes