Apr 16, 2023 | Book Reviews
Who would have thought empathy and the fast pace of the rat race would have much to do with one another, let alone share a symbiotic relationship? Count me out if your answer was yes. But that’s exactly what David Kurkjian brilliantly demonstrates in his new book,...
Apr 16, 2023 | Book Reviews
“Careers—like cars—also need to be brought to the ‘shop’ for maintenance. Problems need to be fixed before they become bigger issues. You might be saying to yourself, I hate my job, or This is not the role for me, or Something doesn’t feel right about being at this...
Mar 16, 2023 | Book Reviews
“Wealth should be defined by more than just the numbers,” Steve Braverman writes in his new book, entitled Your Time with the Baton: Winning the Relay Race of Family Wealth Stewardship. “…It’s good that the industry has moved into having wealthy people impart...
Mar 16, 2023 | Book Reviews
If I had to sum up Diane Pienta’s new book in one sentence, it’s about choosing to embrace life. Embrace life, in all its glory – and that includes having a level head about the ups and downs that come with this thing called ‘Life.’ It’s fitting the title of Pienta’s...
Mar 15, 2023 | Book of the Month, Book Reviews
Wanda T. Wallace’s new book is endemic of the current, postmodernist shift. This is applicable not just in terms of culture, but in terms of workplace practices. Seeming to take a page from Toyota’s lean system, Wallace writes with humor and smarts about...
Feb 13, 2023 | Book of the Month, Book Reviews
“This is a collection of random poems written over several years, beginning in High School and a first attempt at publishing. In recent years I’ve had several ask if I have published my work or have I ever thought of doing this. So this is the result of that...