Nov 18, 2020 | Book of the Month, Book Reviews
Doochin begins (in his preface) explaining that a book about fear will help you see that there is a permanent way out of fear and that this book will give you tools to understand where your fear comes from. It may also give you the insight to see potential “gifts”...
Oct 1, 2020 | Book of the Month, Book Reviews
Burt Weissbourd is a novelist, screenwriter and producer of feature films. He was born in 1949 and graduated cum laude from Yale University, with honors in psychology. During his student years, he volunteered at the Museum of Modern Art in Paris and taught English to...
Sep 4, 2020 | Book of the Month, Book Reviews
THE DYING ART OF LEADERSHIP was written as a reference guide to leading grieving or emotionally traumatized employees in the workplace, but I think this book would be beneficial to other leaders as well, especially in religious organizations, missionaries, homes for...
Aug 18, 2020 | Book of the Month, Book Reviews
Based on a the Arbinger Institute’s The Anatomy of Peace ideas, Chad Ford, an international conflict mediator and a facilitator for the Arbinger Institute as well as an executive board member for Peace Players as well as a writer, analyst and entrepreneur covering the...
Jul 6, 2020 | Book of the Month, Book Reviews
Intrigued by Living with my Money? Of course, I am. And Shuman had me at Investment Funding since that has been my stronghold on American Dollars for nearly 40 years. But he went deeper and discussed when it became popular. That little thing called Sustainable...
Jun 15, 2020 | Book of the Month, Book Reviews
Michael C. Fillios’ Tech Debt 2.0: How to Future Proof Your Small Business and Improve Your Bottom Line is the result of Fillios’ more than a quarter century of experience in operations management, finance, IT, and change leadership. He is the CEO and founder of the...