Burt Weissbourd – Inside Passage

Burt Weissbourd – Inside Passage

Burt Weissbourd is a novelist, screenwriter and producer of feature films. He was born in 1949 and graduated cum laude from Yale University, with honors in psychology. During his student years, he volunteered at the Museum of Modern Art in Paris and taught English to...
Chad Ford – Dangerous Love

Chad Ford – Dangerous Love

Based on a the Arbinger Institute’s The Anatomy of Peace ideas, Chad Ford, an international conflict mediator and a facilitator for the Arbinger Institute as well as an executive board member for Peace Players as well as a writer, analyst and entrepreneur covering the...
Michael Fillios – Tech Debt 2.0 

Michael Fillios – Tech Debt 2.0 

Michael C. Fillios’ Tech Debt 2.0: How to Future Proof Your Small Business and Improve Your Bottom Line is the result of Fillios’ more than a quarter century of experience in operations management, finance, IT, and change leadership. He is the CEO and founder of the...